Because favor is fair, especially when you live right!!!!!! Hurry up, purchase your ticket today for the SUCCESS Conference. ($25,...
Because favor is fair, especially when you live right!!!!!! Hurry up, purchase your ticket today for the SUCCESS Conference. ($25,...
When YOU say YES to PURPOSE, YOU are acknowledging the following: •I know that God loves me and has a new direction for my life. •I...
They say when a savvy business woman walks into the room she changes the atmosphere. Make a positive influence when you step onto the...
Ready to Quit that Career? Here Are Some Inside Details on how! I have talked to many career women, especially millennials who are...
Just because an opportunity presents itself, and it looks appealing, doesn’t necessarily mean it is from God. And likewise, just because...
Thank you, God, for giving me another year of life. Thank you for all the people who remembered me on my date of birth by sending cards,...
WHEN I was going to MD Anderson I noticed there were a lot of women who felt like their value was connected only to their diagnosis....
LOVE AND HAPPINESS In any aspect of life, it is very resourceful to know your worth. It is even more helpful when you show gratitude for...
PRAYER PRINCIPLES… BELIEVE IT ALREADY Now is the time to start believing what you have prayed for! Yes, you have a right to believe and...
PRAYER PRINCIPLES 101 Over the years I have learned some truths about prayer. I don’t know all there is to know about it, but I have...
Live a Life of Prayer So prayer—real Bible prayer—must be a lifestyle, not just a backup plan. In Luke 18:1, Jesus taught in a parable...
15 Minutes of Prayer and Meditation The most important part of my day is the morning hours. I awake early to pray over my life and...