I wanted it bad enough to break up with some friends (and even a few family members) who weighed me down with their disbelief and silent insecurities of being “left behind.”
I wanted it bad enough that I believed in myself by shining my own light as bright as I could on even the darkest days.
I wanted it bad enough to speak it before it ever existed.
I wanted it so bad that failure was not an option.
I wanted it bad enough that people conspired on my behalf to see that it was done. Because they believed in my vision just as hard as I did.
I wanted it so bad that I became my own cheerleader when the whole team picked up and left.

I wanted it bad enough to show my face to the world even when I’d been humiliated and betrayed. Because they couldn’t kill me. And I needed them to know that.
I wanted it bad enough to get back up again after I had fallen. And couldn’t get up.
I wanted it bad enough to pray. A million times a day. Even after I’d crept into the forbidden garden and eaten the apple.
I wanted it bad enough to forgive. And then let go.
My question to you is:
How bad do you want it?
Be Brave,
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