Many of us have been compelled to think that success is represented by the fancy cars, big house, designer clothes or shoes, but those things are actually the benefits of being successful. You see, success isn’t glamorous it’s quite ugly. Truth be told, it’s actually pain turned to power, doubt turned to belief, trouble turned to triumph. Real success is being able to go through obstacles no matter how hard things may get, knowing you will win in the end. Success is being able to take risks not knowing your next step but refusing to live in mediocrity. Success is pushing through even though you want to quit and growing weary but not giving up.
If in your mind you can make the decision that despite what may come your way or leave you, that you will keep moving forward that in itself is a success. You don’t become successful when things show up in your life as a result of your diligence but in your DECISION.
So, decide today you will win, decide that you will run this race and that you will finish to the end. Sometimes, success appears in the form of storms unrealized.
Success is when what you see around you doesn’t look like what you envisioned but within you know that it will not always be that way. Sounds a lot like faith, right? Even if you’ve hit rock bottom, a mindset of success declares that you have reached the mountaintop.
What you set your focus on, will eventually become. Change your mindset, change your life.
Angel Chapple
IG: @angellouc, Twitter & FB- Angel Chapple