WHEN I was going to MD Anderson I noticed there were a lot of women who felt like their value was connected only to their diagnosis. Through prayer and reflection God showed me that regardless of a woman’s diagnosis status, situation, or circumstance she is always covered by God. In turn, Hence, well WAKE.PRAY.SLAY. was born….
WHY… my why is that my prayer of hope and restoration will be activated in every person that wears this apparel line. I will never forget those words that came from my doctor… “Well young lady, it’s a tumor.” With fearless eyes, my pupils locked in on my physician and I just nodded and said, “thank you sir.”
In the deepest parts of my spirit… I knew this would work out for GOD’S GLORY!
HOW… sometimes the pain in my body was so excoriating that I had no words to describe it. But, I would call on the name of JESUS. It was pain beyond words and expressions. In the midst of it all… I only could wake and pray. So out of the ashes, we rise. We rise above our enemies, attacks, and seasons of tribulations… THEN WE SLAY.
So I started writing and sketching to release my thoughts. Every day I would speak God’s word over my mind, spirit, and body. I would give dedicated time to slay the enemies that desired for me not to walk in purpose or promise.
HEBREWS 13:8… (NKJV) 8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. This one scripture shifted my mindset and my body drastically. This scripture set me on fire and kept me on fire.
NOW… will you join me as I believe for an EPIC move of GOD? This is not just another shirt or catch phrase. Yes, you may have heard it before… but not this way!
WHERE … visit my online store to see our apparel that is change lives across the nation. We have all sizes! Go now to activate your healing, restoration, and boldness. SHOP NOW
Too God Be the Glory,